Testing, testing......1......2......3!!
I was looking for a new app to use on my iPad to make blogging easier. And well.......I found one. I watched all the how-to videos before purchasing this $4.99 app! Wow!! This one is like a powerhouse!! Drag and drop photos, posting to pages......oh my! Blogsy where have you been? Why did I not find you before???
I can just drag and drop photos from the internet without even leaving the app. (not all websites will allow that but most will. It links you to their page!)
I absolutely love my Apple products. Like it says "Think Different". And now with this Blogsy app, I will! :). I can even format the font and color of my font all from right in the app!
So with my new found friend............I will definitely be posting more! The blogger app was such a pain. I always had to go to my desktop to rotate my pictures.........oh did I say that I can rotate my pictures right within Blogsy!!
Oh my! I am like a kid in a candy store right now!!
Happy Blogging and Happy Crafting!!